Master Minds

Bentley's Graduate Students tell it like it is

The Ghana Experience…

Feels like we just touched down at Ghana International airport! But… hey… its already been 3 days that we are here — the days seem to be running at supersonic speeds. The first 2 days have been phenomenal and a perfect mix of business learning and fun. We visited a few businesses that are trying to make their mark in the market. Where else can you find two 23 year old men running a mobile application company and willing to make it big even though they have huge offers from the US. Another firm we visited was an innovative solution to classroom learning at areas which are deficient in electric power. Enter- “Empower Playgrounds,” a highly innovative solution employing playground equipment that generates electricity to power a whole school. How wacky is that for a visit!!!




Categories: Ashish, Bentley MBA

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